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ニコラス・バーボン『より軽い新貨幣の鋳造に関する論究』(1696年)の翻訳記 2
表題のニコラス・バーボン(Nicholas Barbon, 1640–1698)著『より軽い新貨幣の鋳造に関する論究』という冊子(A DISCOURSE Concerning Coining the New Money lighter, IN Answer to Mr. Lock’s Confiderations about raising the Value of Money)について。
時代背景と「貨幣の価値を引き上げる(raise the Value of the Money)」の意味について
さてこの冊子を読むにあたり、知っておくべき背景は、この冊子が The Great Recoinage of 1696 (1696年大改鋳)と言われている銀貨改鋳政策に関する議論だったということです。背景知識のない方は Wikipedia をはじめとした情報ソースで予備知識を得ておかないと正しく文章の意味が取れないと思われます。
さて、文章には raise the Value of the Money(貨幣の価値を引き上げる)というフレーズが何度か出てきます。いったいこれは硬貨の中の純銀の量を増やすことでしょうか、減らすことでしょうか。
この二つはまったく逆の解釈なわけですが、こうした冊子を紐解くことで、英国のこの時代の言論空間では raise the Value of the Money(貨幣の価値を引き上げる)は、コインの中の金や銀の含有率を引き下げることを意味していたのだなということがわかるのです。ご注意ください。
またこの小冊子でバーボンが直接批判しているのは、ロックの “Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money(貨幣価値の向上に関するさらなる考察)” という論考です。
一見してわかりますが、副題?として ”Wherein Mr. Lowndes’s Arguments for it in his late Report concerning An Essay for the Amendment of Silver Coins, are particularly Examined. ” という言葉が付いているように、そもそもロックの文からしてもラウンズという当時の大蔵次官(Secretary to the Treasury)の議論に対抗するために書かれたものです。
ここで訳出するのは、本文に入る前の「PREFACE(序文)」と「 THE CONTENTS, OR, CHIEF SUBSTANCE of Mr. LOCK’s Book (ロック氏の本の内容、もしくは主たる主張)」と題された部分になります。
本文は Oxford Text Archive のこちらを参照しています。
THIS Question, Whether it is for the Interest of England, at this time, to New-Coin their Clipt-Money, according to the Old Standard both for Weight and Fineness, or to Coin it somewhat Lighter? has been, of late, the business of the Press, and the common subject of Debate.
目下の問題は、すり減った硬貨(Clipt Money)を改鋳する際に、重量と精度の旧基準に従ってそれを行うのか、それとも幾分軽く鋳造するかのどちらが英国の利益に資するかということです。これはここ数年に渡って報道を賑わし、広く議論されている論点であります。
And since there has been so much wrote and said Pro & Con about this matter, and yet Gentlemen continue still unsatisfied, and of different Opinions; I could not hope, from any thing I might write, to have better success, and therefore did not intend to appear in Publick in this Controversy: Tho’ I had the same reason which is given for answering Mr. Lowndes; that is, that by my silence I might seem to renounce my own Opinion, having some time since wrote a Discourse of Trade, wherein the definition of Money differs from what Mr. Lock asserts.
But having consider’d the fatal consequence of coining the Money by the old Standard, and that it was not necessary that those Argumeuts that should be offered to prevent it, should wholly convince those that are of the contrary Opinion; but that they would have the same success, if they did but create a Doubt. It seeming very reasonable, that Persons in Doubt of their own Opinion in this Controversy, might be persuaded to consent to the trial of the contrary; not only that they might thereby discover the Truth, but because by the Experiment there appears so plain an Advantage, as the multiplying the species of the Coin, and saving the Nation near a Million of Money, in a time when they are engaged in so chargeable a War.
そしてこう考えました。古い基準で貨幣を鋳造し続けてしまうことが招く致命的な帰結を考慮すれば、その帰結を防ぐために提示される以下の論証が、反対の意見を持つ人々を完全に納得させる必要まではなく、せめて疑念を生じさせれば成功であろうと。論争を通じて自らの意見に疑念を抱くようになった人が、案を試してみることに同意いただけるようになりさえすれば、それはとても理に適うことと思われます。やってみること(experiment)によって真実が判明するかもしれないというだけではなく、国家が戦争の費用に四苦八苦している状況下、鋳造される硬貨の数(the species of the Coin)を増やすことによって、百万に近い貨幣を節約できるというまったく明白な利点が出現するであろうからです。
I was therefore encouraged, in hopes of such success, to offer my Reasons, for raising the Value of the Money, to Publick Consideration, that they might be the better weigh’d and examin’d, and at the same time to answer Mr. Lock’s Objections to the contrary: which, both from the Reputation of the Person that writes them, and the Reception they seem to have had from great Personages before they were published, are of greatest force in this Debate.
That which seems to be the greatest difficulty in clearing this Controversy is, That it being about a matter where Profit accompanies the decision of it, Gentlemen are jealous of the Arguments, lest they should be biass’d by private Interest, and so run contrary to the Truth: which lessens the force of the Arguments that are used in such Debates.
But this is an equal Objection to the Reason on both sides: For as the raising the Value of the Money may be profitable to those that have Interest in Banks, having great Cashes in Old Money; so on the other hand, the Coining of the Money to the Old Standard, may be as profitable to Banks by melting of it down; and if there be any difference of Advantage, it must be to the latter: Because, besides the Profit by melting, Nothing can be of greater Advantage to Banks than scarcity of Money, when men will be glad to take a Bank-Note for want of it. And on the contrary, nothing can be more disadvantageous to Banks, especially to those young in Credit, than plenty of New Money, when the Money may be sooner told than a Note writ: so that if I were to consider my private Interest, I ought to be of the contrary Opinion to that I argue for.
And therefore I hope I shall be believ’d, when I declare that I have no other design in writing this Discourse, than the service of my Countrey; and I have the same Candor to believe it of those that have wrote for the contrary Opinion; and that Mr. Lock and I do in this agree, tho’ in our Arguments we differ. For I cannot believe that any Person, for his own private Interest, will argue [Page]for the Coining the Money by the Old Standard, when the Consequence of it, in my Opinion, will be so fatal to his Countrey; which will be no less than the want of the species of Money, a stop of Trade, and a general Complaint and Poverty all over the Nation.
I have followed the same Method in answering Mr. Lock, as he has used in answering Mr. Lownds; which is, by laying down several Propositions contrary to Mr. Lock’s, and from thence to argue and shew wherein his are mistaken.
I have chose rather to sum up the chief substance of his Arguments for the sake of Brevity, than to recite his sense in his own words. And if in any place I have mistaken his sense, I do beg his pardon, and do assure him that it was not wilfully, but for want of right understanding of it: For I have the same design as Mr. Lock, That Truth betwixt us might appear; and therefore shall use his own words, That I shall think my self oblig’d to him, or any one else, who shall shew me, or the Publick, any material mistake in any thing I have here said, whereon any part of the Question turns.
The want of leisure from other Affairs, might very well have been pleaded for not writing in this Debate: But if it may be allow’d me for an Excuse in not writing so well on this Subject as the weightiness of it might require, either in respect of the Stile, the Method of arguing, or the omission of several things to the clearing the Controversy, I shall not think my time ill spent, especially if any thing that I have wrote, may tend to the service of the Publick.
THE CONTENTS, OR, CHIEF SUBSTANCE of Mr. LOCK’s Book (ロック氏の本の内容、もしくは主たる主張)
- THAT Silver is the Instrument and Measure of Commerce by its Intrinsick Value.
銀は、その内在的な(intrinsick)価値によって商業の道具であり尺度になっているということ。 - The Intrinsick Value of Silver is the Estimate which common consent hath placed on it.
こうした銀の内在的価値は、一般的同意(common consent)がそれに置いているところの”見積もり”である。 - Silver is the Measure of Commerce by its Quantity, which is also the Measure of its Intrinsick Value. It is the Quantity of Silver men give, take, and contract for, that they Estimate the Value of other things by, and give and take in exchange for all other Commodities.
銀が商業の尺度であり、また、内在的な価値の尺度であるのはその量によってである。人が他のものの価値を見積もり、他のすべての商品と交換に授受しているのは、銀の量であり、これによって人は授受し、契約するのである。 - That Money differs from Uncoined Silver only in this, That the Quantity of Silver in each Piece is ascertained by its stamp; which is set there to be a Publick Voucher for its Weight and Fineness.
貨幣が未鋳造の銀と異なるのは、貨幣に含まれる銀の量がその刻印によって確認されること、つまり、その重量と精度を証明する公的な証票がそこに設定されていることのみである。 - That the Par of Money is a certain number of Pieces of the Coin of one Countrey, containing in them an equal Quantity of Silver to that in another number of pieces of the Coin of another Countrey.
貨幣の標準(Par)は、ある国の貨幣の一定の枚数が含む銀の量が、他の国の貨幣の別の枚数とが含む銀と同じであることにある。。 - That plenty of Money in a Countrey is only made and preserved by the Ballance of Trade.
From these Propositions Mr. Lock argues,
That it will be no Advantage to raise the Value of the Money, but a great Loss to all the Creditors and Landed Men of England.
For Bullion or Uncoined Silver having an Intrinsick Value, can never rise nor fall: And money differing only from Silver in this, That the Stamp ascertains the weight and fineness of the Silver in the money, Silver can never be of a higher price than the money: For an equal Quantity of Silver will always be of the same value to an equal Quantity of Silver.
That if the value of the money be rais’d, the value of all Goods will rise accordingly. For Silver being the Measure of Commerce by its Quantity; and it is the Quantity of Silver that men contract for in selling their Goods; if there be a less Quantity of Silver in a Crown-Piece, it will buy a less Quantity of Goods: Or if the Crown be rais’d to Six shillings, those Goods that us’d to be sold for a Crown will then cost Six shillings.
That it will be the same in all Foreign Commodities and Foreign Exchange: For the Foreign Exchange and Par of money being only from an equal Quantity of Silver in the different Coins of the several Countries; if the money be made lighter, there must then be a greater number of pieces to make the Par, or Foreign Exchange by Foreign money equal, or else the Quantity of Silver will not be equal to that in the Foreign Coin: So that the Foreign Exchange and Price of all Foreign Goods will rise in proportion to what the value of the money is rais’d. That which cost Twenty pounds before, will cost five and twenty if the money be raised a fifth; because there will be no greater a Quantity of Silver in Five and twenty pounds, than there was in Twenty before the money was raised.
That the raising the value of the money will not prevent the carrying it away, because that depends upon the Balance of Trade. For if there be more Foreign Goods bought of any Nation and Imported, than there are of the Native Commodities Exported, the Balance must be paid in money, which will always carry it out to pay the Debt till the Balance of that Nation be alter’d; which is, by Exporting more of the Native Commodities, and Importing less of the Foreign.
That there will be a great loss to all the Creditors and Landlords of England; for they letting their Land by the same rule which is by the Quantity of Silver in the money; if the money be made lighter by a fifth part, they will lose a fifth part by their Rent: They’ll receive but Eighty pounds instead of an Hundred, because there will be no more Silver in an Hundred, than there was before in Eighty.
That there will be the same loss to the Creditors when they are paid their Bonds, Debts and Contracts; so that the raising of the money will put a very great Loss and Hardship upon Landlords and Creditors, and bring no advantage to the Nation.
The contrary Propositions in Answer to Mr. LOCK are these:
- THAT there is no Intrinsick Value in Silver, or any fixt or certain Estimate that common consent hath placed on it; but that it is a Commodity, and riseth and falleth as other Commodities do.
銀には本質的な価値はなく、また、一般的な同意による固定された、あるいは確実な見積もりもない。銀は商品であり、他の商品と同じように上がったり下がったりするものだということ。 - That Money is the Instrument and Measure of Commerce, and not Silver.
貨幣が商業の道具であり尺度なのであって、銀ではないということ。 - That it is the Instrument of Commerce from the Authority of that Government where it is Coined; and that by the Stamp and Size of each piece the value is known.
貨幣はそれを造る政府の権威による商業の道具であり、各貨幣種の刻印と大きさによって価値がわかるのだということ。 - That Money differs from Uncoined Silver in this, That the Authority of the Government gives a fixt and certain value to each piece of Money, which is generally beyond the value of the Silver in it.
貨幣が未鋳造の銀と異なるのは、政府の権威が貨幣の各片に固定された一定の価値を与えていることであり、それは一般にそこに含まれる銀の価値を上回るということ。 - That it is Money that men give, take and contract with for all other Commodities, and by which they estimate the value of all other things; having regard more to the stamp and currancy of the Money, than to the quantity of fine Silver in each piece.
人が他のすべての商品と授受し、契約するのは貨幣であり、それによって他のすべてのものの価値を見積もるということ。それぞれの断片に含まれる純銀の量よりも、刻印と流通が重視される。 - That raising the Value of the Money, will not raise the Foreign Exchange, nor Foreign Commodities.
貨幣の価値を上げても、それで外国為替や外国商品が上がることはないこと。 - That if by the Balance of Trade in a Nation the Money is carried away, the only means to prevent it, is to raise the Value of the Money.
ある国の貿易収支によって貨幣が持ち出される場合、それを防ぐ唯一の方法は貨幣の価値を上げることであるということ。 - That it is the Practice of all the Governments in Europe, to raise their Money from time to time, as the price of Silver rises.
ヨーロッパのすべての政府は、銀の価格が上昇するにつれて、時折、貨幣を引き上げる慣行があること。 - That the raising of the Money, will not raise the Value of any Commodities.
貨幣の価値を引き上げても、商品の価値は上がらないということ。 - That if the Money be rais’d a fifth, the Landlord will not lose any part of his Rent, nor the Creditor any part of his Debt or Contract.
貨幣を五分の一だけ軽くしたとしても、家主は家賃の一部を失わず、債権者はその債務や契約の一部を失わないこと。 - That if the Money be not rais’d, and kept above the price of Silver, it will be melted down, and carried away.
もし貨幣の価値を引き上げず、銀の価格より高く保たないならば、それは溶かされ、持ち出されるだろうということ。 - That the Consequence will be, That for want of Money, Commerce and Trade will be at a stand, the Price of the Native Commodities, and the Rents of the Lands will fall, and that it will cause a general Clamour and Poverty in the Nation.
To prove the Truth of these Propositions, it will be necessary to discourse in general of these several things, viz.
- Of Riches, and the Value of Things.
– 富と、物の価値について。 - Of Money, and the Par of the several Coins.
貨幣と、いくつかのコインの額面について。 - Of the Balance of Trade, and Foreign Exchange.
貿易収支と外国為替について。 - Of raising the Value of Money, with the Causes of it, and the Effects.
ニコラス・バーボン『より軽い新貨幣の鋳造に関する論究』(1696年)の翻訳記 1
note マガジン「資本論-ヘーゲル-MMTを三位一体で語る」で『「国定貨幣論」の本当の元祖、ニコラス・バーボンについて』という文章を書きました。
そこでバーボンの “A discourse concerning coining the new money lighter in answer to Mr. Lock’s Considerations about raising the value of money” (『より軽い新貨幣の鋳造に関する論究:ロック氏の貨幣の価値の引上げについての考察に答えて』)という、長いタイトルの小冊子を紹介し、その翻訳をしたいと書きました。
THIS Question, Whether it is for the Interest of England, at this time, to New-Coin their Clipt-Money, according to the Old Standard both for Weight and Fineness, or to Coin it somewhat Lighter? has been, of late, the business of the Press, and the common subject of Debate.
この問題は、イギリスの利益のために、今、すり減った硬貨(Clipt Money)を鋳造し直す際に、重量と精度の旧基準に従うのか、それとも幾分軽く鋳造するかということです。これは、ここ数年、報道されることが多く、よくある議論のテーマです。
バーボンのタイトルにある Coin it somewhat Lighter?、つまり「少し軽く鋳造してはどうか」という考えは、こうした状況に対応する一案として浮上したもので、硬貨に含まれる純銀の割合を減らせばいいのでは?という論理です。
- 序文
- ロック氏の本の内容、もしくは主な主張
- より軽い新貨幣の鋳造に関する論究 富、および諸事物の価値について
“Credit and the Exchequer since the Restoration”、王政復古以降の信用と財政というこの小論では、この時代の決済ぶりを別の角度から論じたもので、決済貨幣が不足したその時に、それゆえにこそタリー(信用と借用書のペアのようなもの)を用いた決済が急発達したさまが描かれています。
ちなみに筆者のRichard Tye さんは参考文献としてこちらを挙げていたりします。