A Framework for the Analysis of the Price Level and Inflation という文章を頭から精読するシリーズの第七回。
今回は III . The Source of the Price Level のところを扱います。
Introduction ②
I. The MMT Money Story ③
II. The MMT Micro Foundation- The Currency as a Public Monopoly ④と⑤と⑥
(解説編: ”indifference” って何だろう が挟まる)
III. The Source of the Price Level ⑦(ここ)
IV. Agents of the State ⑧と⑨
V. The Determination of the Price Level ⑩
VI. Inflation Dynamics ⑪
VII. Interest Rates and Wages ⑫
VIII. The Hierarchy of Demand ⑬
IX. Conclusion ⑬
モズラー(MMT発明者)による資本論のような物価水準・インフレ論を精読する 解説編: ”indifference” って何だろう
モズラー(MMT発明者)による資本論のような物価水準・インフレ論を精読する 解説編: ”indifference” って何だろう
A Framework for the Analysis of the Price Level and Inflation という文章を頭から精読するシリーズの途中ですが、Ⅲに入る前の解説編です。
Introduction ②
I. The MMT Money Story ③
II. The MMT Micro Foundation- The Currency as a Public Monopoly ④と⑤と⑥
(解説編: ”indifference” って何だろう が挟まる←いまここ)
III. The Source of the Price Level ⑦
IV. Agents of the State ⑧と⑨
V. The Determination of the Price Level ⑩
VI. Inflation Dynamics ⑪
VII. Interest Rates and Wages ⑫
VIII. The Hierarchy of Demand ⑬
IX. Conclusion ⑬
A Framework for the Analysis of the Price Level and Inflation という文章を頭から精読するシリーズの第六回。
Introduction ②
I. The MMT Money Story ③
II. The MMT Micro Foundation- The Currency as a Public Monopoly ④と⑤と⑥(ここ)
(解説編: ”indifference” って何だろう が挟まる)
III. The Source of the Price Level ⑦
IV. Agents of the State ⑧と⑨
V. The Determination of the Price Level ⑩
VI. Inflation Dynamics ⑪
VII. Interest Rates and Wages ⑫
VIII. The Hierarchy of Demand ⑬
IX. Conclusion ⑬
前回シリーズ5では、 III. The Source of the Price Level の最後のところが宿題になった感じワンね。意味が取りにくい。
対話13「saving desire(貯蓄欲求)は政府行動の関数だ」ヘッドホン
>(元々は,前回の記事に続いて「101」その2?を書くつもりでいて,しかも書く内容としては限定を加えてはいなかったものの,例えば「機能的財政」(Functional Finance)という話を「関数(函数)」(function)の話と結びつけて書いてみようなどと思っていた。)
A Framework for the Analysis of the Price Level and Inflation という文章を頭から精読するシリーズの五回目。
Introduction ②
I. The MMT Money Story ③
II. The MMT Micro Foundation- The Currency as a Public Monopoly ④と⑤(ここ)と⑥
(解説編: ”indifference” って何だろう が挟まる)
III. The Source of the Price Level ⑦
IV. Agents of the State ⑧と⑨
V. The Determination of the Price Level ⑩
VI. Inflation Dynamics ⑪
VII. Interest Rates and Wages ⑫
VIII. The Hierarchy of Demand ⑬
IX. Conclusion ⑬
対話12 「納税にしか使えない通貨を発行して納税しないと追い出されるという仕組み」ですって?
A Framework for the Analysis of the Price Level and Inflation という文章を頭から精読するシリーズの四回目。
Introduction ②
I. The MMT Money Story ③
II. The MMT Micro Foundation- The Currency as a Public Monopoly ④(ここ)と⑤と⑥
(解説編: ”indifference” って何だろう が挟まる)
III. The Source of the Price Level ⑦
IV. Agents of the State ⑧と⑨
V. The Determination of the Price Level ⑩
VI. Inflation Dynamics ⑪
VII. Interest Rates and Wages ⑫
VIII. The Hierarchy of Demand ⑬
IX. Conclusion ⑬
A Framework for the Analysis of the Price Level and Inflation という文章を頭から精読していきましょうというわけですが、次のような構成になっています。
Introduction ②
I. The MMT Money Story ③(ここ)
II. The MMT Micro Foundation- The Currency as a Public Monopoly ④と⑤と⑥
(解説編: ”indifference” って何だろう が挟まる)
III. The Source of the Price Level ⑦
IV. Agents of the State ⑧と⑨
V. The Determination of the Price Level ⑩
VI. Inflation Dynamics ⑪
VII. Interest Rates and Wages ⑫
VIII. The Hierarchy of Demand ⑬
IX. Conclusion ⑬
いよいよ本文の精読に入ります。今回は I. The MMT Money Story のところを。
まず The MMT Money Story というタイトルですが、story を「物語」とするよりも、これこそ「論」というべきだと思いました。
モズラー(MMT発明者)による資本論のような物価水準・インフレ論を精読する② イントロダクション
Introduction ②(ここ)
I. The MMT Money Story ③
II. The MMT Micro Foundation- The Currency as a Public Monopoly ④と⑤と⑥
(解説編: ”indifference” って何だろう が挟まる)
III. The Source of the Price Level ⑦
IV. Agents of the State ⑧と⑨
V. The Determination of the Price Level ⑩
VI. Inflation Dynamics ⑪
VII. Interest Rates and Wages ⑫
VIII. The Hierarchy of Demand ⑬
IX. Conclusion ⑬
The purpose of this chapter is to present a framework for the analysis of the price level and inflation. MMT (Modern Monetary Theory) is currently the only school of economic thought that, in direct contrast to other schools of thought, specifically identifies and models both the source of the price level and the dynamics behind changes in the price level with MMT offering a unique understanding of inflation as academically defined as part of its general framework for analysis that applies to all currency regimes.
I was asked to do a chapter on ‘inflation’ under the textbook definition which is ‘a continuous increase in the price level.’ However, under close examination this turns out to be elusive at best. At any point in time the price level is presumably both static and quantitatively undefinable. That’s why even the most sophisticated central bank research uses abstractions, the most familiar being the Consumer Price Index (CPI) which consists of selected goods and services designed to reflect a cost of living rather than ‘the price level.’ Nor can central banks determine a continuous rate of change of this abstraction. They can only tell you how the CPI has changed in the past, and they can attempt to forecast future changes. Even worse, they assume the source of the price level to be entirely historic, derived from an infinite regression into the past that, in theory, predates the birth of the universe.
うん、前回 I. The MMT Money Story を予習しておいてよかったかもですね